Case studies & success stories
Organizations are crushing their KPIs with Roster. Learn how leading brands recruit and engage influencers, reward their communities, and measure brand ambassador marketing.

Reach new customers without buying ads

Leveraging the power of UGC
See how Salomon reached 23 million people without buying an ad or paying an influencer.
See how leading consumer brands are capitalizing on the trust of user generated content and at the same time amassing tremendous media value.

Create better buying experiences

Small startup builds authentic advocates
GoBe Kids is a two-person company with a mission to encourage kids to love healthy foods. Learn how their brand ambassadors are significant marketing partners.
The ROI for influencer marketing is 11x better than traditional digital marketing.

Turbocharge marketing with earned media value

Drive ecommerce sales with your customers
Learn how Blendtec created a new sales channel with their ambassadors that generated 10% of all their ecommerce sales within 12 months.

Building a new company with ambassadors
See how FADED MOON recruited 1,200 ambassadors using the Roster form and generated revenue with shareable discount codes—all in just 30 days.